infrared combustion uses the honeycomb slice as the head of the combustion stove, for which the advanced technology is adopted. since the gas in the infrared combustion implements cancommingle pollution emission release goes down. also the infrared rayradiation has high penetrability,inspiring the resonance of wa-ter molecule,pervading heat to the nut of clarified subjects equally, the heating and drying efficiency are, using the infrared combustion implements to heat,dry and heat preserved,the energycan be sa-ved and pollution can be reduced. infrared combustion implements have following advantages: |
•using lpg, clean and no pollution.
•high heat efficiency and low energy consuming
•economical and practical.the cost of using infraredcombustion implements can be red uced by more than 50% compared with that of using electrical drying.
•installing conveniently and simply. |


this kind of ceramic slice which applied in infrared combustion stove, is the essential subassembly in infrared combustion stove, also is the key of energy-saving.。
now it is applied in many fields such as heating, drying heat preserving field, the realm of lacquer toasting, printing and dyeing and grocery. now using the infrared combustion implements becomes to be a new technique and trend.
representative application:barbecue oven, roast product line of grocery, automatic drier,
special infrared oven for gas, barbecue ark, bake line, bottom setting of painting line. |
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